

No School on Friday, Nov 22nd


This is a reminder that Friday, November 22nd, is a PA Day, as noted in our yearly calendar posted on the website. Therefore, there will be no school for children on Friday.



HDIS administration.


By | November 20th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on No School on Friday, Nov 22nd

PA Day on Friday, Nov 1st


Please be reminded that Friday, November 1st, is a PA Day. There will be no classes for students on this day. We hope everyone enjoys the extended weekend, and we look forward to seeing students back on Monday!

HDIS Administration.

By | October 30th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on PA Day on Friday, Nov 1st

No School on Monday October 14th

Asslamo-Alaikom Parents and Guardians,

We would like to inform you that our school will be closed on Monday, October 14th, due to  observance of the Thanksgiving holiday in Canada. Classes will resume on Tuesday, October 15th.



HDIS Administration.


By | October 11th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on No School on Monday October 14th

PA Day, Meet the Teachers


Dear HDIS Families,

This is a reminder that Friday, September 20th, is a PA Day, so there will be no school for students. Please check our website for the updated calendar.

We invite you to our Meet the Teachers event from 2:15 PM to 3:45 PM on Friday. This will be a brief opportunity to connect with teachers. If you need to discuss any sensitive matters regarding your child, an appointment can be arranged at a later date.

Thank you!

Hamilton Downtown Islamic School Management.


By | September 18th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on PA Day, Meet the Teachers

Welcome Back!

Dear Parents and Guardians,


Welcome back to Hamilton Downtown Islamic School! We hope you had a restful and enjoyable summer.

We would like to inform you that the school day will start at 8:50 AM, and dismissal will be at 3:15 PM for all students, JK through grade 8 this year.

Soon, you will receive an invitation to join Class Dojo, where we will post all future updates and important details.

Due to a delay with the seamstress, our new uniforms are not yet ready. In the meantime, please have your child wear their old uniforms  or they can wear either black or green colors (new students only) until the new ones are available .

We are excited for the new school year and look forward to a successful year ahead, InshaAllah.

Best regards,

Hamilton Downtown Islamic School Administration

By | September 3rd, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Welcome Back!

First Day of School 24-25

AssalamoAlaikom HDIS Community,

We are thrilled to welcome both new and returning students for the upcoming academic year!

For students in grades 1 through 8, the first day of school will commence on September 3rd, 2024.

Kindergarten (both JK and SK) will have an orientation session on the same day, September 3rd, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Parents are kindly requested to attend this orientation during the specified time. Please note that the first day of school for Kindergarten will be on September 4th, 2024.

In terms of supplies, students will receive workbooks, photocopy materials, and any online-purchased resources promptly after our book orders are fulfilled. Additionally, all students are required to bring their own stationery in a case and a duotang on the very first day of school.

Uniform orders will be managed in mid to late August. Families will receive calls to schedule size measurements for their child or children.

We hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful summer break and returns to us in September in the best of health and spirits, InshaAllah.

Warm regards,

HDIS Administration

By | July 10th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on First Day of School 24-25

PA Day June 7th


This is to remind all parents that  June 7th is a PA day therefore no school for children. Our office will remain open from 10:am till 1:00pm.

HDIS Administration.

By | June 7th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on PA Day June 7th

No School on Friday and Monday


This is to remind HDIS Learning Community that Friday 29th of March is Good Friday and  Monday 1st of April is Easter Monday in Canada. Therefore there is no school on this Friday and Monday. HDIS Students will stay home and invest in Ibadah! We look forward to seeing all on Tuesday 2nd of April.


HDIS Administration.


By | March 28th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on No School on Friday and Monday

No PA Day on Friday.

Asslamo-Alaikom HDIS Learning Community,


This is to announce that there is a change in the PA day marked in the HDIS calendar. PA Day, which was initially scheduled to be on March 1st, Friday, has been moved to Monday, April 8th, 2024. This is due to the total solar eclipse that will cross North America during school hours on Monday, April 8, 2024, and can cause potential damage to the eyes. Due to this reason, students will come to school on Friday, March 1st, and stay home on Monday, April 8th, which is one day before Eid holidays!


HDIS Management.


By | February 26th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on No PA Day on Friday.

No School on Friday


This is to inform all that Friday 26th of January 2024 is a PA day therefore no school for children this Friday. Our office will remain open for business from 10:00am till 1:00pm.

Stay home and enoy the long weekend!


HDIS Management.

By | January 25th, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on No School on Friday

First Day of School


The first day of school after winter break will be Monday, January 8th, 2024. Hamilton Downtown Islamic School staff and management are looking forward to welcoming all students after the holidays.


HDIS Administration.

By | January 3rd, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on First Day of School

PA Day on Friday November 17th.

Asslamo-Alaikom HDIS Learning Community,

This is to inform all that there is no school on Friday November 17th,  it is a scheduled PA day already marked in the yearly calendar. Therefore children stay home and enjoy the long weekend.




By | November 16th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on PA Day on Friday November 17th.

HDIS Meet and Greet


This is to inform all HDIS families that Friday October 20th 2023 is a PA day. Hamilton Downtown Islamic School has arranged a meet and greet with staff for our learning community on that day.

Meet and greet will be from 10:30 am -12:30 pm, for grades 1-8th. Junior and Senior Kindergarten already had an orientation day in September. Parents or guardians will have the chance to visit their child’s classroom and ask general questions. Parents are requested to keep children and their young siblings with them at all times. Since there will be a flow of parents, no specific details will be provided about a child. That can be arranged by appointment later or after the first report card is sent home.

HDIS will be starting the Parent Council for the current year. Parents are requested to submit their names during their visit on Friday and contact information if interested in becoming a member. Details will be provided later with roles and responsibilities. Kindergarten parents can contact their child’s homeroom teacher to express interest in being part of the Parent Council.

We look forward to meeting our new and returning families.

HDIS Administration

By | October 16th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on HDIS Meet and Greet

No School on Monday


This is to inform all that there is no school on M0nday October 9th, 2023. Canadians celebrate Thanks giving on the 2nd Monday of October every year in Ontario and some other provinces. It is an official statutory holiday, therefore no school for children on Monday October 9th.

Stay home and enjoy the long weekend.

HDIS Administration.

By | October 6th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on No School on Monday

School Updates(First Day)

AssalamoAlaikom WRWBR

Hamilton Downtown Islamic School (HDIS) welcomes all new and returning student, here are some updates:


  • KG orientation will be on Wednesday September 6th 2023 from 10 am till 2:pm. It will not be an instructional day for JK/SK. Parents can come with or without the registered child and chat for about 10-15 minutes with home room teachers. KG students may accompany their parents for that period of time but they have to leave with their parents. Younger and non HDIS Siblings are not allowed to avoid distraction for other grades.
  •   Thursday September 7th will be the first day of school for all KG students.
  • September 6th 2023 will be the first day of school for Grades 1-8 on  with two nutrition breaks and a Salah break.
  • HDIS is a nut free school, therefore no nuts at school and litter free healthy lunch is appreciated
  • Students will enter from the community Hall entrance in the morning starting from 8:35 am (8:50 is the bell time)  and will be dismissed from the same community Hall at 3:15 pm except Fridays. Dismissal on Friday is at 2:15pm.
  • Parents are requested to drop their children at the door and leave without blocking the entrance or the parking lot.
  • HDIS calendar is posted on the website for everyone’s convenience as a drop down under About HDIS.

We look forward to seeing everyone!



By | August 22nd, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on School Updates(First Day)