Monthly Archives: November 2020


P.A Day Friday 27th Nov.

Dear HDIS families,

This is to remind all HDIS families that Friday, November 27th is a P.A day. There will be no online and in-person classes. Teachers will be at school until 2:00 pm. If there is a concern related to your child’s learning feel free to book an appointment for an in-person meeting with the homeroom or subject teacher on Friday. A phone call is however recommended due to Health and Safety concerns at this time.

Stay Home Stay Safe


By | November 25th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on P.A Day Friday 27th Nov.

School Closed for a Week

AssalamoAlaikom Parents,

Hamilton Downtown Islamic School will be closed for a week due to a confirmed COVID case among one of the staff members. The staff member was present on last Monday November 2nd in school premises, currently in isolation, following all the public health protocols  will be back after full recovery. Principal and other teachers will be quarantined for a week until 14th of November, they will be back in school on 16th of November 2020. However, students will be back for in person schooling from Tuesday 17th of November.

Whole school will be cleaned, all the high touch surfaces will be sanitized and especial care will be given to the places that staff member had been to. All the required public Health protocol will be followed in accordance with Ministry of Education reporting and outlined procedures.

Parents are requested to cooperate with teachers while they tend to help students in E-Learning transition for the time being so that there is no loss of learning. Kindly contact home room teacher for further assistance in this regard. Stay home, stay safe and kindly contact the public health if any symptom of COVID 19 appears in your child.

For more information please visit the website:

HDIS Management.


By | November 8th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on School Closed for a Week