Monthly Archives: November 2022


PA Day Nov 25th


This is a reminder for all HDIs families that November 25th, Friday is a PA day, therefore is no school for children at Hamilton Downtown Islamic School. Office will remain open for business.
Stay home and enjoy the long weekend!

Hamilton Downtown Islamic school Management.




By | November 23rd, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on PA Day Nov 25th

HDIS Remains open

AssalamoAlaikom Parents/Guardians,

This is to inform all that HDIS will remain open during the current strike of CUPE at HWDSB which led to the school closure tomorrow November 7th and online learning until any further notice as per labour updates.
This is entirely a different matter than holidays/PA days therefore Hamilton Downtown Islamic School will remain open and function as usual according to our yearly calendar posted on the website.

Hamilton Downtown Islamic School.

By | November 6th, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on HDIS Remains open