HDIS Meet and Greet
This is to inform all HDIS families that Friday October 20th 2023 is a PA day. Hamilton Downtown Islamic School has arranged a meet and greet with staff for our learning community on that day.
Meet and greet will be from 10:30 am -12:30 pm, for grades 1-8th. Junior and Senior Kindergarten already had an orientation day in September. Parents or guardians will have the chance to visit their child’s classroom and ask general questions. Parents are requested to keep children and their young siblings with them at all times. Since there will be a flow of parents, no specific details will be provided about a child. That can be arranged by appointment later or after the first report card is sent home.
HDIS will be starting the Parent Council for the current year. Parents are requested to submit their names during their visit on Friday and contact information if interested in becoming a member. Details will be provided later with roles and responsibilities. Kindergarten parents can contact their child’s homeroom teacher to express interest in being part of the Parent Council.
We look forward to meeting our new and returning families.
HDIS Administration