The HDIS school reopening plan is outlined according to the Public Health and Ministry of Education guidelines.
- School will start from September 8th, 5 days a week full day from 8:50am -3;15pm
- Class size will be small, limiting to 15 students
- The mask is mandatory for grade 4 and up students
- Teachers will be trained prior to school start to make sure that implementation of safety instructions
- Teachers will be using face shields and mask while teaching.
- There are safe distance stickers pasted on the floor, at the water fountain, entrance and at the various places
- Proper hand washing instruction and stickers are pasted in the washrooms
- Many open waste bins and touchless soap dispensers are installed
- Two hand sanitizer stations are installed, one at the community hall entrance and one at the office entrance for frequent touchless hand sanitizing
- We may and may not have morning Adhkaars gathering in Assembly, however a student will be doing recitation from the principal’s office using a microphone to start the day
- There will be no sharing of food or personal belonging allowed
- Parents will follow the directions about social distancing and leave kids at the entrance
- No unnecessary visitors will be allowed inside the school, phone call is recommended to address any issue
- Upon entry all visitors will be required to use a mask, sanitize their hands and keep the social distance at all times
- Keeping your child home if sick is recommended or the child will be sent home after making arrangements with parents following the symptoms.
- There is arrangement of isolation until pickup for suspected individuals
- Temperature will be taken using touchless thermometer, and public health will be informed
These prepositions may change depending on the MED and Public Health instruction.
We look forward to a very different but safe new year of school. HDIS staff and children safety is our priority and we need the cooperation of our HDIS community to work together for the safe and better future of our children.
HDIS Principal
Nailah Faisal.
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