Asslamo-Alaikom Dear parents,
Hope everyone enjoyed the Summer Holidays. Hamilton Downtown Islamic School welcomes all new and returning students. The first day of school will be Tuesday, September 6th,2022. HDIS morning bell time is 8:50 am, the entrance door opens at 8:35 am. The dismissal is at 3:15 pm for the whole school from the main Community Hall. There will be supervision only 15 minutes before and after school and $10/child/hour will be charged if a child stays later than 3:30 pm.
Every Friday is early dismissal and students will be dismissed at 2:00 pm. Pick-up time is 2:15 pm max.
Alhamdulillah, we survived the difficult past two years and I expect that we safely move forward in cooperation with parents, students, and teaching staff to create a pleasant learning atmosphere required by Public Health and the Ministry of Education and prosper with the Islamic worldview.
We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday Insha’Allah
HDIS Management Team.
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